The Treasure House

Welcome to my treasure store,

a collection of valuable items, hidden in five caves.

Cave 1 - The Christian faith and life
Cave 2 - Books I've written
Cave 3 - Wisdom for life (counselling, therapy and healing)
Cave 4 - Odds and ends (items that don't fit elsewhere)
Cave 5 - The Church and the Kingdom

 My life has had ups and downs, dark times and times of joy; encounters with God and times of rebellion and shame.  I studied French, German and Linguistics at Bangor University in the 1960s. Called to be a pastor, I then studied Theology and traineMike Joblingd  at Spurgeon's College. I’ve spent many years in various forms of church leadership. I’ve also worked in local government and been a freelance writer and editor was a registered counsellor until Parkinson's disease made it impractible to continnue. I'm a member of Shenley Christian Fellowship, a church in Milton Keynes. Along the way I’ve gathered a store of insight and wisdom – from the Bible, from experience, and from other people.  I want to pass some of it on and to keep learning along the way. This website expresses that ambition. Rummage around. I hope you find something that sends you off with a smile on your face, saying "Hey, look what I've found!
I'm not looking to enter into correspondence or dialogue with anyone about anything on this site. However, if you do wish to contact me you can do so by email.I'm inspired by Jesus’ description of "a scribe trained for the kingdom" who is like a householder who brings out of his treasure store "things new and old."
IWhere not otherwise indicated, I own the copyright to material on this site. You may reproduce that material for non-profit making, educational purposes, provided you attribute it to me as © Copyright Michael Jobling. Please be aware that links may take you to other sites where copyright belongs to someone else.

Michael Jobling

Verse of the Day

“How great you are, Sovereign Lord! There is no one like you, and there is no God but you, as we have heard with our own ears.
2 Samuel 7:22
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